Wednesday, August 4, 2010

AGM and Chris Hall Studio Visit

Before the Studio Visit, the PPAQ members met for our Annual General Meeting at Chris Hall's Studio... (Thanks Chris for the use of your facilities and space).

We had an informative evening with Glen recapping on the past years events and achievments of the PPAQ and a fantastic financial report from Lesley.
Farewell's and gifts were given to four of our PPAQ council members who will no longer be on the council however we will still have the pleasure of seeing them at future events.  A huge thank you to Lesley Downie, Syd Owens, Peter Williams, and Paula Gray for all your assistance in the past year in making the PPAQ what it is today.

Our new council has been appointed for the coming year and we are all very excited about what this new team will achieve and endevour to keep the standards that have already been set by the previous council and a certain key member, Lesley Downie who has dedicated many, many hours into the PPAQ.

Introducing the Council for 2010/2011-
President: Glen Knoblauch
Vice President: Kris Singleton
Treasurer: Yohti Jenkins
Secretary: Julie Collins
Councillors: Helen Mc Connell & John Reyment

With only Glen and Yohti continuing on from the previous council, we have a nearly all new team. Huge congratulations and welcome to you all for joining the council and we look forward to working together and as Glen said "Breathing new life into the PPAQ"...

Studio Visit
Another very successful Studio Visit took place at Chris Hall's Studio in Park Rd Milton.
After a short coverage by Chris of his journey to success he showed us a great new opportunity for our business's to grow with a referral system he created.  I think many photographers were impressed and spent time after the meeting talking to his staff to set themselves up in the system.  If any photographers couldn't make it to the Studio Visit or didn't get a chance to speak to one of the staff, please don't hesitate to contact Chris Hall's studio direct and they will be happy to help you.

Once again the great attendence of 50+ photographers, enjoyed an evening of plenty of drink, nibbles and Pizza Capers pizzas.

We had a bit of laugh at the papers Glen was using to read his Presidents report....
(An old nude portraits broshure!)

Lesley's exciting financial report showed a huge rise in our finances over such a short time which will go towards future advertising for the members.

New council member Helen McConnell

Julie Collins the new Secretary

A very happy Lesley resigning from a the huge job of Treasurer

New Vice President Kris Singleton

New Treasurer Yohti Jenkins (I have big shoes to fill)

Chris addressing the photographers
(it's funny how no one ever sits in the front- we did have a full house though)

Concentrating on the information

Chris Hall

Jo Hodge and Paula Gray

Congratulations time

Flowers for Lesley and Paula

Wine for Pete and Syd

Adrian giving some advice

Pete Williams and Stephen Jones

Part of Chris Hall's Studio

Three nominees for council

The PPAQ council 'old and new'
Paula and Yohti

John Reyment and Helen McConnell

Anna and Kris Singleton

Sunday, July 25, 2010

August Event

Annual AGM / Studio Visit-
Wednesday 4th August

AGM @ Chris Hall's Studio
Strictly PPAQ members only to attend
5.30pm drinks/ nibbles
6.00pm sharp the meeting will start

Studio Visit following AGM open to everyone
Chris Hall’s “New Super Studio”
41 Park Road Milton
Members Free
Non Members $25 (Tax Deductible)
Includes snacks, wine, beer and soft drinks
at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start with Chris.
Followed by Pizza and more beverages until late.

Please register with Lesley Downie
so we have seating and catering numbers.

Lightroom Seminar Overview

The Lightroom Seminar we hosted recently was very successful.  Our lovely lecturer David Harridine was well received and we are all thankful for the fantastic lessons he conducted over the course of the day.  The PPAQ concillors were very happy with the turn out of nearly 70 people.  We see this as a great indication to the growing success and relevance of the PPAQ for studios,photographers and creative artists in our industry today.
Many thanks must be extended to our Sponsors who made it possible for us to keep the seminar affordable.  Please support our sponsors whenever you can in the future.  They all had their products on display and gave up their valuable time to answer any questions and offer their services to all of the attendees.  The products and services these companies offer are wonderful and we are happy to promote them. 

Brilliant Prints

RGB (kayell)

Photo Mounts and Albums

Most of our Sponsors ...
(a couple from Graphix Plus not in the photo)

Our sponsors were so helpful

Brilliant Prints
Photo Mounts and Albums
Graphix plus

Not only were we inspired by David with new and exciting aspects of Lightroom 3 and Photoshop 5, we enjoyed a huge array of food and pleasant conversation in our breaks.  Catching up with old friends and making plenty of new ones is always one of the highlights of our PPAQ events.  Speaking of new faces, we had quite a few and we welcome you all and look forward to seeing you again in the future.

Last minute questions at the end


Now remember if you haven't yet applied to join the PPAQ membership, please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll forward the relevant information.  Being a member of the PPAQ is very rewarding!  Glen our president will be happy to hear from you .

Sunday, June 20, 2010


The Queens Arms Hotel
12th of July
8.30AM to conclude at 5.30 /6.00PM

The cost is a bargain at $95 for members
$150 for non-members
and $75 for Students
(David’s normal rate is $395)

Lunch, Morning and Afternoon tea included!

Book asap to reserve a sit!  This seminar is proving to be VERY popular!!!

Master Lightroom is a full day of high powered Lightroom training covering the essential information required to wrap your head around this revolutionary application, as well as the powerful techniques required to give you full control.

Session One -
Overview and orientation with the workspace, importing protocol and catalogue management, including shooting tethered.

Session Two -
Interrogation of the Develop Module, exploring every tool and option including sharpening and camera calibration

Session Three -
Image exporting, creating pre sets and custom post processing operations and round tripping to Photoshop and back including Panoramic stitching and HDR.

Session Four -
Real world Photoshop fine tuning operations demonstrated on multiple images all in CS5 including tonal and colour optimisation, skin retouching and photo effects. Questions are also most welcome during the presentation. Full illustrated notes for the entire seminar will also be provided.

RGB Digital lab
Brilliant Prints
Photo Mounts and Albums

Friday, June 18, 2010

Helen McConnell's Studio Visit

Talk about 'Grande'... wow what a house, what a studio and what a woman-- oh ! and what a couple!!!
Helen and her lovely supportive partner Mark and her personal assistant Ruth hosted a fab night for all of us lucky attendees. 
                                                       Helen cooking up a storm...
Mark with Sophie
Helen 'Red' and Ruth (Photographer and PA)

The PPAQ council put on an awesome spread of nibbles and drinks for everyone to enjoy as we chatted for the first hour in the huge courtyard. 

Glen 'President' and new member Annette from Antonietta's Photographics

Some of our regulars-
Dave Paton, Kris Singleton and Adrian Nicholson

New faces- Alex and Andrew Kwintowski with Lesley Downie

Jan, Grant and Yohti

Deep in discussion
(it's serious business being a photographer)

After our courtyard mingling we headed inside to hear Helen share her story of how she use to be a Court Reporter for the Supreme and District Courts, and the journey she undertook to get where she is today.  It was very informative and her bright, bubbly personality kept us all intrigued as we sat in her beautifully decored studio.  To finish off her presentation we had the pleasure of viewing her beautiful slide show of weddings. Helen really strikes me as a woman who is the true representation of a passionate photographer.  It was so evident as she spoke of her clients and shooting weddings, just how much she loves her job.  Helen refers to herself as a 'specialist wedding photographer' as this is the main thing she does and she does it superbly.
Helen our lady of the hour...
Her business has grown so much over the last six years that she now employs a personal assistant Ruth, who is training up to be a wonderful shooter for Helen as well.  I also have to mention her partner Mark as Helen talks very highly of him being a huge part in the success of her business.  She said he gave her so much encouragment in the early days and continues to be one of her biggest fans.  I'm sure though that Helen has many more fans amongst us.  If you don't yet know Helen, she is a woman who will make you laugh, inspire you, encourage you and support you and is one who is a great example of how to run a successful photography business.  Thanks Helen for just being you.

After the presentation we all 'elegantly' pigged out on pizzas and talked some more till the late hours of the night.  (I haven't got a photo of that as I was too busy eating hehe)...

Oh I mustn't forget to mention we had some new members presented with their certificates:
Annette Rolley from Antonietta's Photographics, Normy B from Divine Studios, Jo Hodge from Johanna H Studios and Frances Suter from Frances Suter Photography.  Congratulations to you all for your successful applications and we look forward to having your input of valuable experience in the PPAQ.

Normy B from Divine Studios receiving his certificate as a new member

Last but not least we were delighted to learn that one couple who travelled all the way from Caboolture actually found us on Facebook. Modern day internet networking is certainly doing the industry a favour. Welcome to all new and old faces and we trust you had a wonderful time and please don't hesitate to contact the council for further news of the PPAQ and what we can do for you!