Friday, May 28, 2010

"Sterling Studios" Studio Visit

On the 12th May we had a huge turn out of nearly 50 people (the biggest attendance ever) at the 'Sterling Studios' Studio Visit which was hosted by the very talented staff of Chris, Sonia and Glen.  We have received many positive comments saying it was one of the best studio visits ever and how much fun was had.

Sonia, Glen and Chris  

Sterling Studios was originally founded 34 years ago by Glen Knoblauch who is now a highly respected leader in our industry.  The Studio itself is situated in a beautifully renovated Queenslander in the inner city suburb of Coorparoo which is a very appealing position for prospective clients from all parts of Brisbane. The Studio has a lovely foyer area, a wedding client viewing room, a portrait client viewing room, an office, a portrait studio and processing rooms.  However that's not all! The back yard is a fully functional outdoor studio extravaganza... The feature backdrop is 150+ year old walls from the wool shed buildings which was custom made to withstand any storm as a permanent fixture.  There is also a cubby house/ play area, a colourful garage wall and landscaped gardens with pathways to top it off.  Wow!  That's all very impressive and from the moment you walk in the front door of the studio foyer you realise that it has an image of class and sophistication. The many award prints and trophies proudly displayed are evident of the quality which has been achieved and refined over the years.

      Chris speaking

Chris gave a very informative outline of their studio activities, featuring the modern way of doing album planning and many people were keen to ask questions and find out more.  It was a wonderful opportunity to sit and listen to someone with so much experience and success and to be able to take home some key points to help in our own business.  
After the presentation was wrapped up with a beautfiul slide show 
we socialised with steaming hot pizzas, 
heaps of alcohol and other yummy stuff.

We had quite a few first time visitors, including the Qld AIPP President, Melinda Comerford and our new PPAQ members and we hope that you all felt very welcomed 
and made some new contacts and friends.

Melinda Comerford- Qld AIPP President

Happy Birthday Lesley

To top off our night we surprised the beautiful PPAQ Treasurer Lesley Downie with her Birthday Cake as we all sang Happy Birthday to her and partied on to the early hours of the morning.

Stewart, Frances and Chie

Sandra and Amanda

We hope you will all be able to come to our next Studio Visit at Helen McConnell's Studio (better known as Red) on the 17th June.  Please contact Lesley to register

BOOK NOW AS SEATS ARE LIMITED!!! (and Helen is a legend!!!)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

New Members in May

We proudly extend the warmest welcome to our newest members:

Divine Studios, Sunshine Coast & Brisbane- Normy Beneck

Frances Suter Photography, Coorparoo

Ferrettography, Gold Coast-Anna Ferrett

We look forward to seeing you all at our next Studio Visit ;)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

PPAQ Members Are Award Winners!

We are delighted to have some of the most renowned
and talented photographers in Australia,
right here in our own city...
AND also members of the PPAQ.

Aaah ! Another two reasons to be part of the PPAQ- hang out with successful people and their success may rub off on you! AND your awards will be published for everyone to see and be proud of you!
What a great thing to strive for, to win awards for your own self development and personal challenge!!!


Firstly we are proud to announce Chris Knoblauch as the overall AIPP QLD Professional Photographer of the Year! What an awesome achievment!

PPAQ Members and their awards...

Chris Knoblauch- Sterling Studios- Wedding Photographer of the Year 2010
1 Gold Distinction, 1 Silver Distinction and 2 Silver in Wedding Category

John Reyment- John Reyment Photographics- Epson AIPP Qld Documentary Photographer of the Year Award
1 Gold Distinction, 3 Silver Distinction and 4 Silver (out of 12 entries in Documentary, Portrait, Landscape)

Glen Knoblauch- Sterling Studios- Runner Up in Documentary Category
4 Silver Distinctions, 2 Silver (total of 8 entered in Documentary and Portrait)
(Runner up in Self Commissioned Category at National AIPP 2009)

Sonia Sutcliffe- Sterling Studios- 2 Silver Distinction, 2 Silver in Wedding Category
(Sonia also won Wedding Photographer of the Year 2009, the Highest Scoring Print Award 2009 and Open Category Winner 2009)

Lesley Downie- Lesley Downie Photography- 1 Silver Distinction and 1 Silver (Landscape and Illustrative Categories)

Paula Gray- That's Me Photography-
2 Silver  (wedding)

Julie Collins- Julie Collins Photography-
1 Silver  (wedding)

Vicki Turner- Turner Photography-
1 Silver  (wedding)

Martin Turner- Turner Photography-
1 Silver  (wedding)

Now lets see how many more PPAQ members names will be here next time! The cut off for the National AIPP awards is only three weeks away. Don't hesitate to ask any of the winning members for advice on how to enter the AIPP awards. They will be more than happy to help or point you in the right direction. We all want to see each other achieve great things!

A Few Examples of AIPP Award Images

Syd Owen Studios- Award Prints 2009

Chris Knoblauch - Sterling Studios - Award Prints 2009

Glen Knoblauch - Sterling Studios - Award Prints 2009

Sonia Sutcliffe - Sterling Studios - Award Prints 2009

Lesley Downie Photography - Award Images 2009

Paula Gray- That's Me Photography- Silver Award Prints Qld 2010
Julie Collins- Silver Award Qld 2010

These are just a few to start...
If you are a PPAQ member and have Award Prints from last year or this years State Awards pls send them to me at and I will post them on the blog!

May - August Events

Sterling Studios - Chris, Sonia and Glen
12th of May at 6.30pm
Only a couple of spots left but we have a waiting list available
Contact Lesley Downie to register -
Cost-  $10 for members and $20 for non-members
Nibbles / drinks supplied
BYO Chair!

Helen McConnell Photography
17th of June at 6.30pm
29 Murray St, Forest Lake
Cost- $10 for members and $25 for non-members
Nibbles / drinks supplied
Contact Lesley Downie to register -

to be advised

David Harridine Lightroom Seminar on the 12th
(Details in previous post below)

AUGUST AGM (Annual General Meeting)
4th of August
5.30pm pre meeting nibbles/drinks
6pm sharp for meeting
At Chris Halls new 'Super Studio' 41 Park Rd Milton
All AGM’s are for financial members only and there is no cost to attend.
Contact Lesley Downie to register -

Chris Halls Studio
4th August
7.30pm- Directly following the AGM
Will finish 9.30/10pm
Nibbles / drinks supplied
Free for Members and $25 for non-members
Contact Lesley Downie to register -

PPAQ Membership

If you haven't already applied to join the PPAQ, then here are a few of the many awesome reasons...

*Regular events throughout the year
*Teaching from experts in the field
*Workshops for hands on experience
*Advance in knowledge & expertise
*Business management advice
*Discounts for Seminars, Workshops, Studio visits etc
*Discounts and Offers from Sponsor companies
*Special Member discount for Camera Insurance and Public Liability
*Each photographer in the studio can be classified a CPP -Certified Professional Photographer (on approval)
*Use CPP after your name on letters, emails and documents
*Officially dated and signed Certificates to display in studio
*Use the PPAQ eye catching logo on your own studio advertising ie website, mags etc
*Advertising in magazines
*Awesome website to promote Professional photography services from our members
*Location Directory with your studio details on website
*Photo samples from your studio on website
*Active Blog to keep you updated, promoting Professional photographers of the PPAQ with Bride of the week and Featuring Studio of the month, and increasing our exposure to the public with SEO
*Affordable annual fee
*Access to the PPAQ logo for your own business advertising & promotion
*Support and friendship from likeminded people
*Belonging to the PPAQ gives you credibility in your field
*Professional quality images and production are guaranteed
*and a Professional Studio environment is required for membership - (this will set you apart from the part time/ amateur photographers)
*and Much much more!!!

Joining requirements:
Quality professional photography
Professional Studio environment
A minimum of 2yrs full time in Business

Please write to us if you have any questions or would like to receive an application pack!

New Members

We would like to welcome our newest members:

Julie Collins Photography
Stewart Ross Photography
Kerri Jessep Photography
Chris Hall Photography

Please give them your congratulations and make them feel welcome at our next event.  We are very proud and excited every time we have awesome and talented photographers join the PPAQ. 

Lightroom on Fire 2009

The attendees at our first Lightroom on Fire Seminar-
See how happy and enlightened they all look! 

Forgive the quality of the photo taken on a little IXUS.  I'll bring my SLR from now on ;)

David Harradine Lightroom Seminar


For those of you who attended our first Lightroom Seminar last year, you know the incredible value firsthand and won't want to miss this one, and for those of you who didn't, you simply must book it in your diary and rsvp as a priority.

This second Lightroom seminar with David Harradine is pitched at intermediate to advanced techniques.  There are notes supplied which allows you a more comprehensive learning experience on the day.

12th of July (tentatively at the Queens Arms Hotel James St Fortitude Valley)
Registration at 8.30am and a 9.00am start and will go until 5or 6.00PM

Morning tea, Lunch & Afternoon tea included.

The costs will be $95 for members and $150 for non-members.  (Normally pay approx $300 for this seminar)

There will be a formal release of this Seminar soon so watch this space.

Warmest Welcome

Firstly Welcome to the New and official PPAQ blog.  Blogs seem to be very popular these days and we feel that it is a great way to keep our members and non-members up to date with what is happening.  We will be posting dates for our exciting upcoming events which will consist of seminars, workshops and studio visits.  There will be reviews and images of these events as they take place.  Also keep your eye out for the wonderful studio profiles which will feature our very special members.  It is great to see what other studios are doing and to support our fellow photographers. 

United together in the PPAQ we will see this creative industry of talented and gifted people excell both personally and as a whole in the photography industry of Queensland.  We will continue to strive to achieve more than we believe possible as we learn and grow in our profession and provide our clients with the most amazing images they could have imagined.  The PPAQ will be a vital tool to see this happen as you will benefit from the valuable learning made possible at the seminars or workshops and the first hand experience from your collegues as they open up their studios and business practises for everyone to take away important information or advice.  Not to mention the amazing friendships and support which I am sure you have all already experienced.

Many of you are current members and possibly some of you are still yet to apply for membership, however I would like to introduce your council members in case you don't yet know them all.  Our president is Glen Knoblauch and he is doing an amazing job hand in hand with our Treasurer Lesley Downie.  Together after many hours of hard work they have revived the PPAQ in the last two years to the strong foundation it is today.  We then have Syd Owen as our Vice President who dilligently travels from Toowoomba for our meetings every month. The lovely Ms Paula Gray is our Secretary along with councillors Pete Williams and myself Yohti Jenkins to make up a strong force of six 'go get em' photographers to lead our wonderful team of members to great things in Queensland Photography!

Once again, Welcome to our Blog and be sure to subscribe so you get the full benefit of the posts.