Tuesday, May 4, 2010

PPAQ Members Are Award Winners!

We are delighted to have some of the most renowned
and talented photographers in Australia,
right here in our own city...
AND also members of the PPAQ.

Aaah ! Another two reasons to be part of the PPAQ- hang out with successful people and their success may rub off on you! AND your awards will be published for everyone to see and be proud of you!
What a great thing to strive for, to win awards for your own self development and personal challenge!!!


Firstly we are proud to announce Chris Knoblauch as the overall AIPP QLD Professional Photographer of the Year! What an awesome achievment!

PPAQ Members and their awards...

Chris Knoblauch- Sterling Studios- Wedding Photographer of the Year 2010
1 Gold Distinction, 1 Silver Distinction and 2 Silver in Wedding Category

John Reyment- John Reyment Photographics- Epson AIPP Qld Documentary Photographer of the Year Award
1 Gold Distinction, 3 Silver Distinction and 4 Silver (out of 12 entries in Documentary, Portrait, Landscape)

Glen Knoblauch- Sterling Studios- Runner Up in Documentary Category
4 Silver Distinctions, 2 Silver (total of 8 entered in Documentary and Portrait)
(Runner up in Self Commissioned Category at National AIPP 2009)

Sonia Sutcliffe- Sterling Studios- 2 Silver Distinction, 2 Silver in Wedding Category
(Sonia also won Wedding Photographer of the Year 2009, the Highest Scoring Print Award 2009 and Open Category Winner 2009)

Lesley Downie- Lesley Downie Photography- 1 Silver Distinction and 1 Silver (Landscape and Illustrative Categories)

Paula Gray- That's Me Photography-
2 Silver  (wedding)

Julie Collins- Julie Collins Photography-
1 Silver  (wedding)

Vicki Turner- Turner Photography-
1 Silver  (wedding)

Martin Turner- Turner Photography-
1 Silver  (wedding)

Now lets see how many more PPAQ members names will be here next time! The cut off for the National AIPP awards is only three weeks away. Don't hesitate to ask any of the winning members for advice on how to enter the AIPP awards. They will be more than happy to help or point you in the right direction. We all want to see each other achieve great things!

A Few Examples of AIPP Award Images

Syd Owen Studios- Award Prints 2009

Chris Knoblauch - Sterling Studios - Award Prints 2009

Glen Knoblauch - Sterling Studios - Award Prints 2009

Sonia Sutcliffe - Sterling Studios - Award Prints 2009

Lesley Downie Photography - Award Images 2009

Paula Gray- That's Me Photography- Silver Award Prints Qld 2010
Julie Collins- Silver Award Qld 2010

These are just a few to start...
If you are a PPAQ member and have Award Prints from last year or this years State Awards pls send them to me at info@yohti.com.au and I will post them on the blog!

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