Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Warmest Welcome

Firstly Welcome to the New and official PPAQ blog.  Blogs seem to be very popular these days and we feel that it is a great way to keep our members and non-members up to date with what is happening.  We will be posting dates for our exciting upcoming events which will consist of seminars, workshops and studio visits.  There will be reviews and images of these events as they take place.  Also keep your eye out for the wonderful studio profiles which will feature our very special members.  It is great to see what other studios are doing and to support our fellow photographers. 

United together in the PPAQ we will see this creative industry of talented and gifted people excell both personally and as a whole in the photography industry of Queensland.  We will continue to strive to achieve more than we believe possible as we learn and grow in our profession and provide our clients with the most amazing images they could have imagined.  The PPAQ will be a vital tool to see this happen as you will benefit from the valuable learning made possible at the seminars or workshops and the first hand experience from your collegues as they open up their studios and business practises for everyone to take away important information or advice.  Not to mention the amazing friendships and support which I am sure you have all already experienced.

Many of you are current members and possibly some of you are still yet to apply for membership, however I would like to introduce your council members in case you don't yet know them all.  Our president is Glen Knoblauch and he is doing an amazing job hand in hand with our Treasurer Lesley Downie.  Together after many hours of hard work they have revived the PPAQ in the last two years to the strong foundation it is today.  We then have Syd Owen as our Vice President who dilligently travels from Toowoomba for our meetings every month. The lovely Ms Paula Gray is our Secretary along with councillors Pete Williams and myself Yohti Jenkins to make up a strong force of six 'go get em' photographers to lead our wonderful team of members to great things in Queensland Photography!

Once again, Welcome to our Blog and be sure to subscribe so you get the full benefit of the posts. 

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